Sunday, September 02, 2018
The happiness philosophy - Finding that sweet spot
Traditionally, the path of enlightenment and remaining in a state of bliss is associated with hibernation or leaving the material world far behind. It is possible to get to that stage without leaving anything behind. Jesus called it 'being in the world but not of the world'
When you decide to give your focus on people, you are completely present. Then, you are not. Your emotions are directed to causes because people look too fragile. There is absolutely nothing to prove or clarify. You can easily find rules to exercise anger because it's important to keep the emotional intelligence intact. Your intuition is on over drive. Effectively, you are the architect of your matrix. You see the world as an illusion and you have found a way to rig it. There is no guilt. You enjoy the trappings of life but can also do without it. You make meaningful relationships but when they walk out, you say goodbye with a smile. And, then you shut the door.
There comes a time when you feel comfortable enough to allow your memories to tell you the story. The illusion breaks. What happens now? Is there a different set of rules to remain happy. Perhaps not.
1) Who is in control?
One of the major causes of turmoil is losing a sense of control. However, everything is a matter of choice unless there is a threat to your life. There is nothing we 'have to' do. No one puts a gun to your head to make you go to work. There is no proverbial sword of Damocles that follows people who walk out of relationships. Mostly, it can be a case of objective evaluatiion of options. It's important to reframe the references from 'I can't' to 'I choose' and define the boundaries and know what it takes to walk out. Perhaps, the deal breaker is ethics for a job or potential damage to kids if it is relationship. Visualize it as your secret key. You are in control.
2) Practice Gratitude
What are you grateful about? If there are 100 factors that are not working well, what is that single thing that does. Start from there. Gratitude does not depend on circumstances or other variables at work. What's more powerful is getting into the zone of being grateful for the pain. That takes away the strength of that memory. This might sound weird but I have a practice of calling out the miseries and thanking God for it. And, I set it free and myself in the process. This is an ongoing process though.
3) Embrace your Purpose
Who are you? Who are you NOT?
The self is not a product of social constructs. It is not your job, your birth identity, your ego.
The authentic self remains the same. Embracing it and following that path brings complete harmony. Everything else pales in comparison.
4) Who is thinking?
It's your thoughts that find you at your lowesr to haunt you. Observe your thoughts and evaluate. If it is fear or guilt brought by your ego-self, observe it and release it. You don't have to fight it
5) Respect Cause and effect
The unpredictability of cause and effect translates to something simple. The miniscule task you completed could result in a breakthrough and that supposedly huge opportunity that you passed could be a blip in the bigger scheme of things.
6) Find a hobby
Ask yourself what can provide you emotional fulfillment. It's easy to find the answers from your childhood.
7) Take care of your body
This sounds simple enough. Drinking enough water and having a work out routine keeps the mind in good shape too.
8) Watch out for self-sabotage
Evaluate your decisions and plug areas that dangerously flirt with self-destructive behavior. Always, put self-love first and be your biggest fan. Don't seek validation outside. Don't give away your power. Root for your own success! Everything will be okay.
Remember, you are not the first person in the world to have a problem. You face a challenge because you are alive, a previlege cut short too early for people more deserving than you. As long as you are alive, your path waits for you, lighted up, in its full glory. All you need to do is making the choice to keep walking.
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