The stork paid a visit with its twin on June 16th 2015. The babies share their birthday with the day of Magna Carta and this does open a new chapter in our lives.
They shall be called Castiel San-Saj (Cass) and Seraphim San - Saj(Raph).
Castiel means Shield of God or God is my cover. It's been a while since I wanted to give a child this name.
Seraphims are angels that are closest to the throne of God. (Isaiah 6) Sanju chose this name.
Incidentally, Isaiah 6 was the Bible reading in all CSI churches in the Diocese the weekend they were born. Isaiah 6 is the only chapter in the Bible with a reference to Seraphims. What a cool coincidence!
When we saw the babies for the first time, we instantly knew what to call them. Seraphim cannot lay still unless he is swaddled. Well, not even then - He turns a complete circle like an arm on an imaginary clock. Castiel is grounded and has very few complaints in life.
This is Castiel
Cass is a happy, content baby. He cries only if he gets hungry, gassy, or has got a wet diaper. The best part is he gives back a grateful smile after his problem is fixed. Mostly, he spends his time observing and is content just looking around if he wakes up. He doesn't need anyone as a sleep prop either. His pics look exactly like my baby pics.

Fevicol baby! He soaks in attention and is hyper active. We always find him in a different sleeping position. He tolerates pain well. He is very particular about what he wants. He spat out the pacifier and gave a disgusted look when Sanju pushed his finger inside his mouth for fun.
Having babies at home is intense and consuming. Like all relationships, the success of this relationship depends on how we manage this well to become better versions of ourselves. It's hard to stop obsessing and making the children the center of our life. However, a needy, obsessed party sets up the stage for unhealthy dependencies and resentments later on. I don't want them to grow up into entitled kids either just because their family revolves around their whims.
It's a privilege to be in a position to craft these little people. I hope they get their moral compass around the golden rule of treating others the way they would like to be treated. My dream is for them to grow up into mighty individuals who are comfortable with the way they are-Talents are no reasons for pride and shortcomings are no reasons for guilt. Here's hoping that they work hard to become the best that they can be and have fun while they are at it.
Welcome to the world, babies!
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