Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The marshy fields stretch in front me

Inviting me with that sweet smell of earth

The evening breeze brings a lone feather

Twisting and turning in the wind

Making shapes that ought to be the new language beyond sound

My first step surprises me

The moist clay encasing me knee deep

Freedom beckons but commitments hold me back

I take in everything and close my eyes

Letting it sink in and fill me with its promises

I shut the door and return

Immersing myself in the everyday humdrum

No regrets, No remorse

The door is within me, keeping safe my ‘freedom’ behind its bars

The paradox of life is Freedom within bounds and captivity out of bounds

Mugilan and Venmathi

  They met when they were 10 and 11 Two magnets circling around - bumping in and drifting off Like and unlike poles - Pulsating ever on the ...